
Jonathan has been teaching upright and electric bass since 1990, teaching students of variable skill level and age. He has also added beginner violin, piano and cello to his teaching repertoire. His teaching addresses skill level on the instrument, music theory, body positioning, and general music appreciation. Jonathan has been playing live music since 1990, with a focus on jazz since 1994. He currently works nightly in the Dallas Jazz scene and his extensive performance experience gives him much to drawn upon for his students, not to mention what he has learned in his studies with some of the finest musicians on the planet. 

Jonathan teaches in his studio in Dallas, TX and travels to various schools in the Dallas area for on-site private lessons. He also offers lessons remotely via Skype and other similar programs. He is continually researching options that will enhance the lesson experience for his remote students; and is excited that technology is now providing students in remote areas with the opportunity to take lessons from highly skilled and trained bass instructors that are not in close proximity. Although video lessons can present certain challenges for both student and instructor, the technology is evolving and the experience continues to improve for both student and teacher.


"And with one conversation Jonathan Fisher does it again and changes the way I look at playing the bass. I think I'll be making some adjustments to my bass as soon as I get the bread. Thanks for being such a cool and generous cat..." - Niko, Dallas

"Hello Mr. [Lynn] Seaton, I'd like to first thank you for recommending Jonathan Fisher to me, he's really turned things around in my playing, process, and even lifestyle. A very helpful teacher, and also a joy to hear play." - Craig, Dallas